Monday, 29 July 2013


Tongkat Ali plant is used in the traditional medicine of Indonesia, Malaysia and Vietnam. In Indonesia and Malaysia, the root of the plant is boiled in water, and the water is consumed as a health tonic for post-partum recovery, as an aphrodisiac, as well as the relief of fever, intestinal worms, dysentery, diarrhoea, indigestion, and jaundice. In Vietnam, the flower and fruits are used to treat dysentery, and the root is used to treat malaria and fever. In Malaysia, a paste of the plant is applied topically to relieve headaches and stomach-aches.

In modern times, E. longifolia is generally known as an aphrodisiac. Other health benefits attributed to this plant include antimalarial, antidiabetic, antimicrobial, and antipyretic activities. There has been some scientific research carried out on E. longifolia towards analyzing its benefits.

In Indonesia and Malaysia, E. longifolia has been widely commercialized. Its root, which is highly bitter, has been used as the basis for supplements, as well as food and drink additives. As a supplement, it has been marketed for the supposed benefits of sexual health improvement, as an energy and stamina booster, for improving blood circulation, and as a testosterone booster. In the drinks market, it is a common ingredient for coffee and functional beverages positioned as energy drinks.

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